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案例说明:该生自2017年开始学习《典范英语》,两年后,其写作能力、想象力和创造力都得到了极大提高。以下是该生读完《典范英语》(6b)The Litter Queen 后创作的续写,语言自然、生动、流畅,情节丰富,充满想象力。

 Save the Princess of Flowers

Chip was falling. He was falling with the litter. There were cans and bottles and bags and wrappers. Everything was spinning round and round.

The magic key flew out of Chip's pocket. It landed somewhere down below. “Help! Help! Get my key!” cried Chip. But no villagers moved. All he saw was litter. Litter was in the grass. Litter was on the houses. Litter was even in the eyebrows of the villagers! Bump! Just at that time, Chip landed in a pile of litter too. It was very smelly. He looked around and found himself at the mouth of a cave. He walked in and found the magic key was lying ahead of him.

There was a beautiful but frightened girl locked in the cave too. She sobbed and said, “My name is Rina. I am the princess of flowers. One day, the litter queen tricked me to this smelly place. I have been locked up here since then. The nasty smell is going to make me die. I feel my power fading away. If my power ends, my people will die too. Please help me! I need to save my people!”

“Oh no! Where are your people?” asked Chip. Princess Rina pointed outside and said, “Those villagers! They were captured by the Litter Queen and forced to collect litter without any rest. How horrible!” Princess Rina began to cry. Chip nodded and stood up, “Well, I can help. Stop crying!” Then Chip freed the princess with the magic key. Together they went to find the Litter Queen. The Queen was furious to see them. She used her power on the nasty rats to attack them. But the rats were caught by a big net with Princess Rina’s magic power. At that moment, Chip threw all the litter cans and bags to the Litter Queen. “No!” cried the Litter Queen, “This place should be covered with litter!” “You are wrong!” shouted Chip, “Litter makes people sick!"“Oh, I thought you liked litter.” the Queen said. “Not anymore!’’ Chip answered.

In the end, they won the fight. Princess Rina was so happy that she gave Chip the most precious flower in her kingdom, the flower of charity. The magic key was glowing again. Chip gave Princess Rina a big hug and waved goodbye. He walked through the magic door and went back home. “What an adventure! I think I will never litter again!” thought Chip.



发布时间:2019-07-18 09:20





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