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学生姓名: 鲍东炜

所在学校: 人大附中实验小学

所在年级: 三年级   

案例说明: 该生自一年级开始参与实验,以下是他读完《典范英语》(3b)中的故事 The Space Ship 之后独立创编的故事,语言简洁生动,内容构思巧妙,情节跌宕紧凑充满了想象力,结尾话锋一转,更显幽默,让人忍俊不禁,无不闪耀着童趣之光。

The Space Locust

Last summer, Peter was always hanging out with his friends in the park.

One day, he lost his shoes in the park. The shoes were Peter’s favourites.They were a birthday present from his father. “Where are my shoes? I can’t go home without them!” grumbled Peter.

Peter’s best friend, Sue, noticed that Peter was so upset about the missing shoes, so she decided to help Peter look for them.

Suddenly, Sue shouted at Peter, “Look! It’s a flying saucer over there! Is it going to fly back to the space? Let’s take a look at it!”

“Wow! What an odd flying saucer!” exclaimed Peter, “Come on!” They ran to the field, like two small bumblebees. As soon as they got there, the flying saucer just lifted off the ground. Peter and Sue boarded the skeet in time.

“Look where we are!” gasped Sue. Inside the flying saucer, there was a room with complex push-buttons and precise instruments, and the floor was inlaid with a lot of odd decorations. “I like this place!” said Peter.

Peter and Sue started wandering inside. They found that the flying saucer was made up of two parts. Tey also saw different rooms. But strangely, they didn’t see anybody there.

In the other part of the flying saucer, Peter and Sue found a room with nothing inside but a black spot. As soon as they opened the door, they found the black spot getting bigger and bigger. It finally turned out to be a group of huge magical animals.

“What are these strange things?” yelled Sue.

“They are the space locust army! I have seen them in Star Wars!” shouted Peter. The animals got closer and closer to Sue and Peter. “What can we do? They are coming to us!” Sue called out.

“I’ve seen them in the movie. They are afraid of the sun, heat or weapons… I have an idea. Follow me!” whispered Peter. Then they ran back to the room with many push-buttons and control panels, “We can make two parts separate. The other side will turn around toward the Sun.” said Peter. He tried to control the panels. “Tey will all die if they get close to it!” said Sue. “Good idea!”

Sue and Peter drove the flying saucer close to the sun as fast as they could. As they were getting near the sun, Sue pressed the button and separated the part carrying the space locust army group. Te space locust army flew to the sun and were killed by the heat very fast.

Suddenly, Peter shouted, “So, where are my missing shoes?”






案例说明:以下是该生读完《典范英语》(8)The Wrong Letter 后改编的故事。大量的语言输入为该生奠定了扎实的语言基础,所写文章不仅语言表达自然流畅,而且内容构思巧妙,加上栩栩如生的配图,十分生动、有趣。

The Wrong Letter

Chapter 1




Long long ago, Great Jones’ family lived in the Elm Road, Bilton. Great Jones was very important at that time. He had two sons. One was Pippa’s grand-grandfather. We call him Pippa son. Another was Flo’s grand-grandfather. We call him Flo son.

I don’t know what time it was.Great Jones left Pippa son in a black room, and didn’t want to see him. But next to the black room, Great Jones was playing with Flo son happily.

Five years later, Great Jones was pretty sure that he was going to die the next morning. He then gave his power to Flo son. Pippa son was very angry. The next few years were angry years…

Many years later, Jones’s family was still living in the Elm Road.


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Pippa Jones lived at Number 10. She was mad about ponies. Flo Jones lived at Number 79. She was mad about football.

Chapter 2

One day, a postman broke his glasses and he sent wrong letters. Pippa got Flo’s letter, and Flo had Pippa’s letter. That was how the mix–up began.


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That Saturday, Flo had to ride a pony at Chestnut Field, and Pippa had to play football at Redland Park. But it was not going well. Flo’s pony, Thunder, was tripped over when he jumped the first fence. The crowd booed for a long time. “It is all a mistake. What bad luck I have today!” yelled Flo, tearing.


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On the playground, Pippa was busy too. The score was 2-2. Her kit was wet and her boots were out of her feet. The ball came whizzing towards Pippa. She made a hard kick. However, to her surprise, the ball flew straight to the Rovers’ goal. “Ouch!” cried Rovers’ captain, “This is an own goal!” Pippa was sosorry for the team.


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Chapter 3

Both Miss Jones did not win. On the way up Elm Road, Flo passed Pippa. Pippa was not pleased to meet Flo because of the own goal. “Don’t worry. We could be friends. Friendship is first, and match is next!” said Flo. “Let’s go to the café and have a drink.”

“Let’s go!” said Pippa happily.

Because of the games, Pippa and Flo became best friends. They told their mums and dads their story. The two families forgot the past and became friends, too.



发布时间:2022-11-23 14:36





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