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Happiness Is Around Us

Recently, I read a book called Princess Pip’s Holiday. It is such an interesting book that I couldn’t help finishing it in one go.

This story is about Princess Pip and her holiday with her royal family. When Princess Pip discovered that she was going to a castle, as boring as her home for her holiday, she just wanted to go home. However, during the holiday, her maid Daisy showed her how much fun the seaside could be. Pip found herself not having a thought about going home ever after.

In the story, the protagonist Pip usually complained, “it’s boring.” Is life really boring? I do not think so. We children are just like flowers. We should smile to the world with an active heart when the first sunshine of the day gently touches our sleeping eyes. We should not think everything is boring; instead, we should try to see the world in another way. Don’t think our world is black and white. In fact, the world is colourful. We may have many problems and be in a bad mood, however, with a positive attitude, we can finally find happiness like Princess Pip did.

Happiness is around us all the time, isn’t it? It has no shape, no colour and no weight. It cannot be seen or touched, but everyone wants it very much. People try to pursue happiness in many ways. Some think money means happiness, so they try their best to make much money; some believe that knowledge can bring them happiness, so they study very hard; some others find good health is the root of all happiness, so they take part in all kinds of sports and games.

I am sure that you will get happiness in three ways. First, help others. Lei Feng sets a good example for all of us. He served the people wholeheartedly till the last minute of his life. He regarded serving the people as the happiest thing in the world. We can find lots of other similar examples. Second, be loved by others. Encouragement from our parents when we are frustrated, help from our friends when we are in trouble etc., all of these will make us the happiest one in the world. Last but not least, act happily. Putting on a happy face and thinking about interesting things are helpful in leading to our happy feelings.

Happiness is precious, but it is easy to get. Let’s go and find it together!

英国专家Wendy Pillipich博士点评:

This is a well-written and thoughtful piece of work. There is intelligent and appropriate use of idioms and the ideas are well-presented.


学生姓名: 赵晨旭

所在学校: 太原市外国语学校

所在年级: 初一

案例说明: 经过近一年的《典范英语》学习,该生在语言和思维方面进步巨大。以下是他读完《典范英语》(7)的故事 My Friend Mandela 之后写的一篇读后感。该文观点鲜明,论证充分,能结合自身实际,将所感所悟尽现于笔端,展现了他出色的英文素养和思辨能力。

Live with Dreams and Positivity

In 1994, the black people in South Africa could fnally enjoy freedom and democracy as they had long expected, thanks to Nelson Mandela, one of the most famous prisoners in the world.

During his 27 years in prison, Mandelawas guarded day and night without any freedom, not to mention how terrible the living environment was, only with the tiny cell and the ragged blanket for winter days. Even so, he still seized every chance to study and educate himself. Meanwhile, Mandela kept a habit of doing exercises before dawn and writing secretly in the long nights. Still, he had to hide what he had written since it was against the prison laws. Life in the prison was so tough that the relief supporting him was the letters from his family, which he was allowed to receive one every 6 months. 27 years later, Mandela was finally free. “As I walked out of the cell and passed through the gate of the prison,” he said, “I knew that if I couldn’t leave my sorrow and resentment behind me, I was still in prison.”

He made it. He left all the sorrow behind and fought along. Optimism had made Mandela’s life stronger. That’s why people in South Africa usually called him “Smile Ambassador”, since he always smiled at everything, including the troubles. Furthermore, it was the positivity and love in him that made Mandela keep fghting for his people and become the first black president in South Africa.

Mandela’s story touched me a lot. He was a man who had a dream in his mind. To achieve the dream, he had been tolerant for all the terrible things that happened to him, even in the worst situation and for a long period of time.

Comparing with Mandela, our living conditions and learning environments are much better than his. We students should absolutely appreciate what we have now. We don’t have any reason to give up easily. Instead, we should keep on trying to fulfill our dreams. As Mandela said, “I knew someday I would feel the grass under my feet and walk in the sunshine as a free man.” I also believe that, as long as we put effort into our study and life with such spirit as Mandela’s, we can all walk in the sunshine and make the best of us.

Mandela’s being positive also impresses me a lot. In his late years, Mandela held an exhibition of his paintings. One of the paintings he exhibited was about Robben Island, where he was jailed for 18 years. Unexpectedly, he painted Robben Island without any hatred but in bright colors. How impressive!

No matter what difficulties we may meet in life, the way we face them is very crucial. Of course, we can blame the world for being unfair. Why do I have imperfect genes? Why wasn’t I born in a rich family? However, that won’t help. What should we do then? Smile at life, make the most of what we have and try our best. Only if we follow our dreams and keep being positive, will we be worth a better life.



发布时间:2017-07-28 15:50





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