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Everyone Has a Secret Garden Inside

“We stop existing and start living. Then it feels that always love is enough for us growing.” It is sung in one of Michael Jackson’s greatest hits, Heal the World. It is certain that love does play an important role in everyone’s growth, as in the book The Secret Garden.

The Secret Garden tells a loving story between Mary and Colin. Mary was a girl who had lost her parents in a cholera epidemic. She had been taken care of all by servants instead of her parents since she was born, which led her to growing into an unloved, spoiled and selfsh girl. Colin had a noble family, but his father, Mr Craven, seemed never to care about him. As a consequence, he appeared weak and autistic. He locked himself in his bedroom all day and never got out of it. Incidentally, a severe cholera epidemic broke the life of Mary and Colin, and mixed them together. Meanwhile, it brought two fragile hearts closely.

Then, Mary started her magical journey in the lonely gardens of Misselthwaite Manor. One day, she was led by a robin only to fnd the key to the secret garden. The garden had been locked by Mr. Craven after his wife’s death. With the help of Dickon, she brought the dying secret garden back to prosperous again. Meanwhile, she brought Mr. Craven and Colin back to life.

Actually, the two main characters, Mary and Colin were both lacking in love. Mary lost her parents and became an orphan, while Colin couldn’t get enough care and attention from his father. Fortunately, the story has a happy ending. Both of them turned out to be not only physically but also psychologically healthy. It was not because of magical medicine but love.

In the end, Mary was no longer alone and Colin was no longer the invalid either. They both became healthy, happy and positive. It was really moving to see all that happen. What’s more, the Misselthwaite Manor was not gloomy anymore. Instead, it had become shiny and warm. It had turned into a true home. The efforts of love as well as the magic of love made it.

Love does not simply refer to romance but various kinds of relationships. It is a narrow but firm connection among people who learn to care, to encourage, and to help one another throughout a particular period of life. In the story, two unfortunate kids got together by accident. They got to know each other and even love each other. It was not an early romance, but a perfect chemical reaction between two fragile hearts. The love made them stronger and brought more love in life so that people became eager to live. They turned positive and optimistic. In the end, they lived happily ever after. Love is something that can heal a person, no matter how painful he is.

The secret garden is simply a container which the author has designed for the story. You open it, enter it, and then the knot in your heart disappears. The story may be replaced by other ones, but love itself is not going to be changed. Last but not the least, everyone has a secret garden deeply inside his or her heart. As long as you believe in the magic of the secret garden, you will get the chance to find it, and then open it and enter it. In there, love and power can be found, and a lovely brand-new life will be created.






案例说明:该生自入学起参加课题实验,经过一年的学习,其英语写作能力进步十分明显。以下是她在读完《典范英语》(10)Jane Eyre 后写的一篇书评。该文立意新颖,文笔精炼,既体现了作者对当时妇女的社会地位和女性意识觉醒的深入思考,也反映了她通过与作家“对话”来进行文本解读的有效策略。

Jane Eyre and Charlotte Bronté

“I care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself…Laws and principles are not for the times when there is no temptation: they are for such moments as this, when body and soul rise in mutiny against their rigour; stringent are they; inviolate they shall be. If at my individual convenience I might break them, what would be their worth?”

— Charlotte Bronté

The above is quoted from the author Charlotte Bronté, but it is also the innermost feeling of Jane Eyre. The two bear so many resemblances that from time to time I wonder whether Jane Eyre is more of an autobiography than a novel.


Having lost her parents at an early age, young Jane lived under the roof of her aunt. That was a time of torture, even a shouting could let her be locked into a red room. More importantly, though she was thirsty for knowledge, she had no right to read or even touch books. Such a period was too harsh to count as childhood.

As is said, the novel is an exaggerated version of life, which indicates that Charlotte must have had a miserable childhood. After Charlotte’s mother died of cancer in 1821, her clergyman father had no time to care for her and sent her to the Clergy Daughter’s School, which was the prototype of Lowood School in the novel. We can conclude that the absence of maternal love left a painful mark on Charlotte’s life, making her an independent but sensitive person.


Jane met her Prince Charming, Mr Rochester, at Thornfield Hall after so many years of hardship and loneliness. For the first time she knew the feeling of being respected and loved. Despite being plain-looking and having a low social status, she never made little of herself. Due to her intense love for Mr Rochester, she screwed up her courage to accept his proposal. However, a series of unexpected events later disabled Mr Rochester, making their marriage bittersweet.

It appeared that Jane’s felicity indicated Charlotte’s yearning for love, as in reality, Charlotte failed to marry the professor she admired. Instead, she married a vicar and died while pregnant. No one could ever know how much regret Charlotte had at the end of her life.


Since childhood, Jane knew she needed to stand up against her cousin’s bullying. Although others often deceived her, she remained honest to herself. She could fall in love crazily with Mr Rochester; she could also leave him without hesitation upon knowing he already had a wife. Jane was an innocent girl who went through all the difficulties herself; she was also a mature woman who valued morality and righteousness above anything else.

All the qualities above also apply to Charlotte.At that time, women only had a low status in the society. Writing a novel was ridiculous enough for them, let alone their pursuit of equal rights. So Charlotte could only use different pseudonyms in her writings. Luckily women enjoy a much higher social status in the contemporary society, but we should always honor Charlotte as a brave fighter to wake up women’s awareness of their rights.

From the above analysis, we can conclude that Jane is the incarnation of Charlotte, since they show similar attitudes towards life. Both of them inspire not only women but also all human beings to break free from life’s chains, which may be the most significant point that the novel intends to tell us.



发布时间:2017-07-28 15:35





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