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学生姓名:Zheng Yu


案例说明:该生自高一下学期起开始学习《典范英语》,以下是其在高二读完《典范英语》(9)The Personality Potion后写的读后感。从文中可以看出,学生对语言的驾驭水平很好,用词多样,对所读的内容有深度思考。

To be is to do.

It is so amazing when I suddenly understand the incredible power of self-confidence. The Personality Potion tells me a lot.

The interesting story describes a little boy Danny who is not confident and hesitates to do what he wants to. He is afraid of Duncan Wicks and scared of the audition for the main part in the school play. He just likes curling up in his own bed reading. As students, we may act like him in some ways sometimes. On the one hand, we are eager to show ourselves to the audience. On the other hand, we’re usually not brave enough and ashamed of making mistakes.

Everything changes when Danny’s uncle gives him a magic potion to bring out his hidden talents. As usual, Danny goes to school by bus, but he overlooks Duncan Wicks, which makes this tall and bulky fellow very annoyed. At break, Wicks wants to play tricks on Danny and bully him with a crowd gathering around them. As Danny has drunk the potion before, he is brave enough to struggle with Wicks and finally win, surprising everyone.

A speech is later to be given to the audience by Danny. But to his surprise, Wicks barges into Danny on purpose and the bottle spins out of Danny’s hand, which means Danny has to complete his speech on his own.

It is a miracle that Danny takes a deep breath and starts his speech. The more he speaks, the better it sounds. He makes it! What does shock me deeply is that in fact there’s nothing special in the potion. It is Danny himself who does everything he has never dared to do before. That is his potential power.

We all have our own hidden talents. The point is whether we dare to challenge ourselves. We may face a difficult task, but we’ll succeed if we persevere and be always confident of ourselves and we’ll find joy in overcoming obstacles.




案例说明:该生自高一下学期起学习《典范英语》(9),以下是他在高二读完The Ultimate Trainers后写的读后感。该文语言流畅自然,重点情节描写得详细生动,最后的感想起到了画龙点睛的作用。

The Ultimate Trainers mainly talks about Jake, the protagonist of the novel. One day, Jake together with his best friend Anna saw a pair of brand new snazzy trainers lying on top of a cardboard box next to a pile of rubbish bins. Fortunately, they were Jake’s size. Taking account of the great significance of the coming Area Crossing-country championships to him, Jake took them as his own.

Having done several laps in the trainers, Jake found that the trainers were so amazing that he could run much faster than ever before. It was so exhilarating for Jake to find that he could easily win the championship. Nevertheless, his best friend Anna advised him not to do so, for winning the championship was a piece of cake for everyone who had the ultimate trainers. However, Jake could not agree with Anna at that time, which of course caused a quarrel between them.

Not until Jake woke up the next morning did he suddenly realize that he shouldn’t have quarreled with his best friend just in order to cheat to win a match. So he abandoned the idea of using the super trainers to win the game, instead he was determined to wear his battered old trainers.

To their surprise, they rushed to Jake’s locker, only to find that the trainers had been stolen by someone else. At that time, there came two adults explaining that they were from the future to search for their trainers which had artificial intelligence circuits so that they could run themselves.

When they recognized Kevin Beadle wearing the magic trainers confidently, one of the two adults — Luther decided not to take the trainers off his feet for the trainers hadn’t been tested ever since it was invented.

During the whole race, Jake gritted his teeth and pushed on though he had been out of breath, puffing and panting and his left side aching. He got the incentive from Anna’s cheering for him.

Never say die. Eventually he got the 10th place while Kevin won the championship without being exhausted. Unfortunately, Kevin’s bragging about how easy the race had been made the trainers angry. Beadle suddenly charged off and he couldn’t stop, he zipped across the road, sprinted through the car wash …

An hour later, he came back, stunned. The two adults eventually got their trainers back, happy and relieved. They experienced how exhilarating the real racing was. They left, leaving Jake their gratitude and best wishes.

Jake must have learnt a lot from the experience. To begin with, nothing is more precious than these devoted people around us. In addition, if we want to achieve success, do practice more. With enough sweat, enough exertion, and enough confidence, the accomplishments you deserved shall finally come to you.



发布时间:2022-12-05 09:01





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